Baby Rylee and The After Body

I decided to start this block back in May and wrote one entry and never updated again. Rylee was born on July 7 and weighed 8 lbs 1 oz. We went to the doctor at 1 month old and she weighed 10 lbs 8 oz. WOW! She was 6 weeks old 2 days ago and I will be going back to work on Monday. Part of me is excited to go back to work…but only a little bit. I really enjoyed staying home with my kids and am probably going to have a breakdown leaving them next week. I just wish I could stay home and afford to go to the gym and put Jaydan in a mother’s day out program. I’ve set up a budget to have debt paid off by January. Hopefully we stick to it and we can buy our dream home and still stay home and run my JuicePlus business. (BTW, check it out

Jaydan is loving his baby sister and wants to help all the time!Ā  He always wants to hold her and he gives her numerous amounts of kisses! However, his attitude towards Mommy, Daddy and the world, is…..well, terrible. My patience is running low and I find myself putting him in his room for everything now! After screaming bloody murder for about 5 or 10 minutes, he finds a toy and starts playing. I don’t know if that’s a good thing or not because I tell him that he can come out when he’s done being mean, crying, etc. Hopefully this is a phase that he will outgrow and I hope that it doesn’t get worse when I go back to work. šŸ˜¦

My body after Rylee is terrifying me! Since I got mono my junior year of high school and lost 30 lbs, I’ve been pretty small. This extra weight is so hard to lose. I refuse to buy new clothes. Yesterday marked the start of going back to my pre – Rylee clothes. I went as far as putting a serving of my cereals into plastic bags so I don’t eat too much. I don’t buy junk food anymore and as much crap as I’ve talked about people drinking diet sodas (because it’s all bad for you) I’ve started myself on Coke Zero. Last night I left Rylee with Jordan for the first time without putting her to sleep first and went Running. It’s not that Jordan can’t take care of her, it’s that I’m so scared of anyone not doing it like I do. But, I came back and she was sound asleep. Anyways…I ran for 20 minutes straight and did not stop. Of course I was nowhere near my 8 miles per hour that I normally run on the treadmill, but it’s a start for not working out in almost 9 months.

This idea came from my sister in law, but I feel as if I blog about my progress on here, I will be more inclined to do what I need to do to fit back in my old clothes.

My First Blog

With 60 days left until my expected due date of Rylee Alyson, I decided to start a blog. With as busy as my family is, I need a place that I can brag about my family, complain about my work and vent about all the unfairness in the world.

I’m going to start with why we are such busy people. Jordan and I wasted the last 6 months searching for a house and when we finally found one we could live with and signed a contract on, it came back denied…even after pre-approval. I guess we were at a borderline stage. Things happen for a reason and it really wasn’t a house we were “in love” with. It was just a house we settled for in order to get the $8000 tax credit. Although it sucks to lose the tax credit, this whole process has motivated me to set up a budget that has us debt free within a year (as long as my hubby can stick to it and quit finding new toys he wants to buy)! Wow, what a burden off our shoulders that would be!

Another thing keeping us so busy is that we are still in this constant battle with Shayne’s (Jordan’s 6 year old son) mother. She is really something else. She begs and begs the court to give her more child support and recently even went as far as putting herself on payroll at her company for minimum wage so that she could get more money! Yet, even with getting $700/month to help support Shayne, her goal is to have Jordan out of the picture when it comes to Shayne’s upbringing. Finally after 4 years and dozens of hurdles and loop holes, we are finally in a good spot in the situation. Jordan has done EVERYTHING that she has wanted to “re-unite” himself with Shayne. Shayne even asks when he’s going to get to visit Jordan about every other time they talk andĀ yet JulieĀ still doesn’t want to allow Jordan any time with Shayne. We found an attorney who is amazing. She knows what she is doing and she cares about us and the things we want. Everything finally seems as if it will fall into place, we just have to wait on the court to start signing orders. Apparently the courts in AZ are backed up because of losing soĀ much staff with the recession hitting hard there.

Jaydan. Wow. He is just over 2 1/2 years old and boy, does he have a mind of his own. Everyday I look at him and wonder where all the time went. I know every mother says this, but seriously, it feels like I was just holding my beautiful new baby in my arms. Jaydan has a temper like his mommy when things aren’t going quite like he wants them to. This is definitely a challenge for both Mommy and Daddy! On the other hand, he can be the sweetest boy on the earth! He still loves to cuddle and give hugs and kisses. Every once in a while he still comes to me and says, “Mommy, rock a baby”, meaning he wants me to rock him and sing “Rock-a-Bye Baby”. Jaydan loves his daddy more than I’ve ever seen any little boy love their daddy. He wants to go EVERYWHERE Jordan goes and he is always trying to help “fix daddy’s truck”. Everything Jordan does, Jaydan tries to mimick. Jaydan is also understanding that he is going to have a baby sister soon and I have no doubt in my mind that Rylee will be under his wing for the rest of their lifes. Just yesterday, he came and gently patted my belly and said “Hi Rylee”. šŸ™‚ Jaydan is really starting to use his imagination and he proved that the other night on our way home from Jordan’s parents’ house. I heard him making a noise like he was eating something. I turned around and said “what are you doing?” He replied “Ice Cream mommy.” “Ohhh, no.” I told him. We had plenty to eat while we were at Lola’s house. He then tells me “No, mommy. Look, in my hand. Ice cream. Want some?” I told him sure and he then went to grab the icecream out of one hand with his other hand and handed it to me. I pretended to eat the ice cream that he so kindly shared with me and he asked me, “Good, Mommy?” He then started sharing his strawberries, apples, and bananas with both mommy and daddy. While this incident may seem so little to most of you, I was amazed at how well he was using his imagination!

My ultimate goal is to stay home with my kids and be a BIG part of their life and even part of their school activities when it comes to that time. Right now, with all the debt we’ve incurred and trying to save to buy a home, it’s just not pheasible. However working 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday is also pretty excessive. I work for a really busy criminal defenseĀ law firmĀ and I absolutely love the work I do, but not enough to sacrifice the time I have with my family. I’m still waiting for an answer but hopefully after I come back from having the baby, I can work part time from the office and part time from home. If I could work Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and go to class Monday through Thursday 1:25-2:40, this would give me a considerable amount of extra time with my kids, to take them to the park, to teach them more than what they are learning when I’m not there and to have dinner ready at a reasonable time every night. However, if this plan doesn’t go through I know I won’t find the same somewhere else, so it would then be my goal to find a state job that allows me to work 730-430. While it’s still full time, I would still be able to have the extra time to have dinner on the table every night. I was letting myself get stressed out about not knowing what my plans would be, but I’ve been praying about it and I’m finally content with not knowing what the plan will be, but knowing that it will all work out for the best.

Lunch time is over and now my blog has to end! šŸ™‚